Monday, March 24, 2008

Check it out!

Look at what's been going on with our friends in Beirut.  They have a snapshot of their library; looks cozy!  There is a list of favorite books - -please click on the site and comment on some of your favorites.  Yours truly was also a big Ferdinand fan.  Please add your valuable comments.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Vokibrarian Speaks

I know how you guys love this kind of stuff.  Click on the post title to get to the voki site.

Monday, March 10, 2008


We have begun work on our Jamestown wikispot. Click on the title of this post for a direct link to the wiki. Use this post space to make suggestions, ask for help, ask questions about what needs to be done.  You can also e-mail me with your username (Sailorgirl, ICU) and let me know who you really are!  I will not post your personal mail, of course.

Students, please note that the wiki is not a blog. It is meant to be a resource, a source of information about Jamestown, not a bulletin board for opinions - that happens later in the comments section.    Please talk to me about what you would like to work on and I will help you with the information you need to find and what template you need to use.