Thursday, November 29, 2007

Our first blog question!

The students of 6-1 would like to know: What was the best concert you ever went to?


Anonymous said...

a 3 in 1 concert with Danity Kane, Pussy cat dolls and Christina Aguleira. And the best part was being close to the stage were the bands performed.

Anonymous said...

A strings concert...

Nope. I have NEVER been to a concert for a singer or something.
Isn't that sad? (Though I sort of, not much, just sort of, liked that concert. I much prefer musicals.)

<("<)~ (>")> <----Kirby


Anonymous said...

SPAMALOT!! YAY!! Isn't that the one based on Monty Python? Have you seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? It's sooooooo funny!! Well, you know what's even sadder than never having been to a singers' concert? Having the only concert you've ever been to for Aaron Carter!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAH! I went when I was like six, and it was the best thing ever (at the time)!
Heee heee!

Anonymous said...

I have never been to a real concert but I have been to a folk festivle It is a ton of people that no one has every heard of playing a concert. lol :)


Anonymous said...

ugh. Aaron Carter.

Yes, I have seen Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail. It's HILARIOUS! so, if you haven't seen it, watch it!!! ^_^


Anonymous said...

ugh. Aaron Carter.

Yes, I have seen Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail. It's HILARIOUS! so, if you haven't seen it, watch it!!! ^_^

I've always wanted to go to King Richards Fair, but my mom said they ask for a lot of money.


Anonymous said...

I haven't been to a concert (though it would be fun to)!!!!!
Wierd right

Anonymous said...

Can you start a new post? Please?!?!?!!? I can use emoticons!
:( :) YEAH! ^

Anonymous said...

I have been to a concert but it was a little one


Anonymous said...

King Richard's Fair is pretty cool. All the people (even the visitors, not the actors) are dressed up in these really really really weird outfits!

Anonymous said...

I went to a cruddy Hilary Duff concert my friends invited me to. It was ok but the music was bad, I've never been to any other concert.


Anonymous said...

Ive seen Monty python and Spamalot on Broadway! Monty python is funny but Spamalot is funnier. I also saw it on Broadway which was AWESOME!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The only concert I've been to was Bob Dilyn which was reallllllly boring.



Anonymous said...

ive never been to a real concert either, although ive been to the jamestown concerts they have.

Sam H

The Coin Collector said...

why is it that all of the concerts that i hear about are very boring?

-Sam H

Anonymous said...

the only concert I have ever been to have been the ones downtown in the summer! sad, huh?


Anonymous said...

I've never been to a concert, but I would love to go to one!!!! This is great I love bloging.............KEEP BLOGING!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have gone to one concert. It was a country one, I was there with my cousin. I left in the first 15 min.s.

Anonymous said...

You guys know what is a weird concert, Meat Loaf, I was watching it with my dad and my dads friend. The lead singer was called meat loaf and the guy looked like he ate meat loaf ever day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Man, he was a big guy.

Dustin :)