Sunday, February 10, 2008

U.S. Presidential Elections... and You

This post "I think a cool new post could be about the presidential election and what we think about it" really provides food for thought. What do you think about the way we elect our presidents? How they campaign, how they debate, what the issues are, what they promise us...students from abroad, how do you view our election process? Who would you want to see win the U.S. Presidential Election? 6mixers, what do you think? You will be voting very soon...


Anonymous said...

if i could vote, it would probably be obama for demicrats and for republicans i would choose John Mcain. I am an indipendent :)

Anonymous said...

i would definitley vote for Obama

Anonymous said...

hi i think Obama should be president with Hilary as vice president because obama will be good and not start any wars.

Anonymous said...

DANA LARKIN<3<3<3<3 peace on earth!!! and luuuuuuuuuuuv

If i could vote, i would vote for I'd vote for BARACK OBAMA
he would get the soldiers out of iraq immedietly. Im also a very strong democrat. The republican candidates ARE NOT planning on getting the soldiers out of iraq, except for Ron Paul. In america, we need a strong democrate who is a leader lik Obama, and right now the rest of the world hates us because we hav BUsh, a HORRIBLE PRESIDENT. And CHENEY A HORRIBLE VICE PRESIDENT.

Anonymous said...

if i were old enough i would vote for Obama, i am democratic

Anonymous said...

i don't really like hilary clinton's attitude, but she would be good as vp.

Anonymous said...

If i could vote i would vote for Obama but it's weird because Obama rhymes with Osamma and Barak rhymes with Iraq!

Anonymous said...

Power to Obama he would be a great president because the soilders dont deserve to be in iraq. Mcaine expects are soilders to be there for 10 years! Hillary is to fake she cryes if she thinks it will get her votes!

Anonymous said...

if i were old enough i would vote for obama because he seem like a very good president and he would be loved by all of the united states. he would not agree with the war in iraq and take them out of iraq.

Mr.Man said...

Barak Obama Iraq Osama! Thats Weird.

Mr.Man said...


Anonymous said...

Bush really isn't doing anything and when he does he has no idea what he is doing! And Chenny does basically everything. And Bush's end of term is 2 days after my birthday!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would vote for Mcain because now that we're in Iraq, we can't get out. Since we already participated in this war there's no getting out. I'm upset that Mitt Romney pulled out of the election.

Anonymous said...

Dana, some people have their own opinions about the president too. So maybe you SHOULDN'T OF YELLED THAT OUT TO HEAVENS CAUSE SOME PEOPLE SUPPORT HIM TOO! So yell that to yourself. And by the way, people don't hate us because of Bush. You try being president!

JPT said...

hello im here and i'd say i votefor obama !!!!!!he is great and im democratic

JPT said...

hola!!!!tis is jan!!so how many people are voting for obama??so far on this page:10.and the person who yelled at dana shouden't because
some people have their own opinion
=(its just the fact that some people dont like ush!! i used to like him but now i hate him because hes a horrible president and puts poor animals in cages and kills them.

Anonymous said...

I am not that suprised that Mitt Romney pulled out of the presidential race. He really wasn't doing that good. And Dana and whoever emusrock is, CALM DOWN!

Anonymous said...

mrs.casey please put comments up quiker.everyone wans you to!!please.this is a great blog

Anonymous said...

Did you know that when John Mcain
was a prisoner of war for 4 or 5
years during the vietnam war, He was tortured about weekly and what they did for torture was they broke both of the people's arms and shoulders. OWWW and he went throught that because of this country. That was almost 5 YEARS they did that to him. Even now he can't raise his arms higher than his shoulders. And I think that the only reason I woulden't vote for Obama is that he really does not have that much experience.

Anonymous said...

I agree with emusrock, we can't leave iraq now, we got caught up in this thing and we need to help the iraqi people sort the problem out.

Anonymous said...

obama is inexpeience and if i could vote i would vote for mcain.
Obama is inexperienced and not ready for such a high place in our
society. Obama.... can you really picture him as presient of the untited states, the county that alot of the world DEPENDS ON??? and he would just withdraw the troops from iraq and that whole country will be in ruins from that type of political move!!!!

The Coin Collector said...

Don't forget, Anonymous, Barack has had plenty of experience being senator of Illinois in the past! And many presidents in the past are brand new to the government!!! So we are lucky to have Barack running!

Anonymous said...

*pumps arms in the air* Power to Obamaaaaa! I think Clinton would make a good vice president. No one has mentioned Huckabee yet...hmmm....I wonder why? (I'm not being sarcastic)
Hm...emusrock!, whoever you are, I wonder why first you say that Bush doesn't do anything, then you scold Dana for sharing her opinion about Bush....?
I think Bush is a doof too, by the way.

Ps. Remember children, no flaming. Tsk tsk tsk.

Pss. "One of the great things about books is that some of them have some fantastic pictures"
Bush said that. WOW. yea. I know.

Anonymous said...

if i could vote i would vote for john mcain on the republican side. But on the demicratic side i would vote for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Piano Guy,

Anonymous is right, even though Obama does have some experience, John Mcain has (ALOT!) more and is VERY loyal to this country.


Anonymous said...

I don't think that either of the demicrats are good. every body likes obama just because he has a nice personality... come on people... LOOK AT WHAT MATTERS!

Anonymous said...

I would vote for OBAMA!!!! He's great. I'm a demicrat. If OBAMA wins {witch he will}I want Hilary to be VP. They would be great together. It's great how like everybody is a demicrat...Almost!

Anonymous said...

i would definetly want Obama to be president, if he doesn't win i would want hillary clinton. i am democratic. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dana again

no affence to the other writers who say hilary could b vice pres., it probably wouldnt happen. obama and clinton fight in debates, but u never know.

dont forget to luv life<3<3<3<3<3<3

Anonymous said...

We need to get out of war! The soliders should not be in Iraq. OBAMA will do that for us.

Anonymous said...


The Coin Collector said...

I'm not saying that McCain has no experience, just that "anonymous" shouldn't say that Obama has no experience.

Piano Guy!!!

The Coin Collector said...

This is what someone said:

"Did you know that when John Mcain
was a prisoner of war for 4 or 5
years during the vietnam war, He was tortured about weekly and what they did for torture was they broke both of the people's arms and shoulders. OWWW and he went throught that because of this country. That was almost 5 YEARS they did that to him. Even now he can't raise his arms higher than his shoulders. And I think that the only reason I woulden't vote for Obama is that he really does not have that much experience."

This part I don't agree with:

"And I think that the only reason I woulden't vote for Obama is that he really does not have that much experience."

It isn't true!!!

Librarians said...

As your librarian I have very much enjoyed reading your opinions, but since I am a librarian I must say I'd like to see a little research behind what you say. Does anyone really know how much political experience the candidates have? How many years they served in any political office? What were their accomplishments? Their career highlights? Their failures to accomplish promises? Do you know what are the qualifications to be a president of the United States are? Whether more Governors or Senators get to be President? Find out.

These statements were posted:
"And many presidents in the past are brand new to the government!!!
Really? who. Name them.

That the president "puts poor animals in cages and kills them." Really? cite your source.
Also "people don't hate us because of Bush." Is that your opinion or is that fact? I'd look that up.

Opinions are wonderful things to have, but even better are the facts backing them up. I'd really like to see an opinion starting like this - This morning I read, in Newsweek, that..." or the Providence Journal carried an article this morning saying ... or for you to go on EBSCO, on our RICAT homepage, and look things up. So, I'm looking forward to seeing more INFORMED opinions being posted. But viva Freedom of Speech. Know which amendment that is??
So, enjoy your forum for free speech; but let's back it up with some solid research.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Emusrock! has shouted out a little too much. But, think about the country. Do you people seriously think that the world hates us because of Bush? Do you really think that he puts animals in cages and kills them? Come on! You guys are living on lies! Lies lies lies! Obama does wnt to give higher salerys to teachers and give money to every collage student, but, WE DON'T HAVE THE MONEY. If you think Republicans aren't fair, here's a story that will show you what some people want to do.

A girl is arguing with her dad that the Republicans are being unfair. That they're just letting poor people die. So the dad says, "Lets just talk about your grades. How are you doing?" The girl answers that she's doing great she has straight A's and does all her homework. The dad then asks, "How about your friend Andrea, does she have good grades." The girl says, "No! She skips classes, doesn't do her homework, and she gets C's all the time." (they're in collage.) The dad says, "Well here's an idea, why don't you give her your A's, that way you'll both have B's. Then it will be fair." The girl looks at her Dad as if he was crazy. "Why would I do that! I worked so hard for my grades and she's choosing to not to work hard! Why would I give her my good work?" The dad looks at her and says, "That's the difference between Republicans, and Democrats. Democrats think we should take money from people who are wealthy, and give it to the poor people who chose not to make good choices, just so everyone can have the same amount of money.

Does this change some people's point of view?

Anonymous said...

Question: Do you think people are poor because they made "bad choices" and people are rich because they made "good ones". Is it that simple? If everyone followed that logic, then we should stop feeding people at foodbanks and churches. let 'em starve, they made bad choices. Let their children starve, they will make bad choices too. Don't give them a hand. Don't share or help even if you can. Why should you be expected to? Very charitable point of view.

Anonymous said...

I still like McCain

Anonymous said...

To all people who want the troops back here...

Ok, lets start from the beginning.We are all citizens of this world and we all need to help one another. This world needs more peace. That is what the soldiers in iraq are trying to create. More peace among the people of the world. That is all this world needs.Peace. The people in Iraq are just trying to help one another. Their daily ways of life are different then ours. Try to go to school every day, scared of being blow up by terrorists every time you turn a corner. Thats what they deal with... why not help them?

Anonymous said...


I think the reason nobody likes Huckabe ( or does not express it )
is that he is very agressive about his opinions and brings his faith into every thing.


Anonymous said...

Just so you guys all know, you're spelling democrat wrong. It's spelled
d-e-m-o-c-r-a-t. Not demicrat.
Just saying.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

got a point there, anonymous. And the anonymous before that.
I think the person who says "Democrats think we should take money from people who are wealthy, and give it to the poor people who chose not to make good choices," is being weird. Some poor people are poor because their parents are poor. Does that mean that it's their fault that their poor? No! I think helping the needy makes the world a much better place!

The Coin Collector said...

lollibop is right- poor people can be poor just because they were born in to a misfortunate family.

Anonymous said...

Piano Guy,

what ever you say, but i still support McCain. What is so great about Obama anyways?


Anonymous said...


As much as I disaprove of the present Preident, I highly doubt that he kills animals for his own fun. And you really should not have said that about emusrock! because he/she was only stateing THEIR opinion, like you complained.


Anonymous said...

Do you like Bush cause i don't! I like Obama or Hilary, mostly Obama! I hate to hurt any Republician's feeling but Obama is going to wim!!!!!

JPT said...

well excuse me im sorry but i did none of the things you listed above
and i was just trying to break up the fight...HMMPH..

Anonymous said...

You need to get this strait...
The republicans want to get out of Iraq too, but they are smart enough to know that we need to finnish our job there!

Anonymous said...

If obama actually wins, than Jonh McCain will be very close to beating him. Because right now, while Hillary and Obama are fighting, John McCain is getting tons of money for his campaign.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous, if we leave Iraq now they will follow us into America!! We took action and invaded Iraq because the twin towers are now a thing of the past. I don't know about you, but I miss those towers. Who knows, it might be the statue of liberty next!!!!

Anonymous said...

The anonymous who wrote the comment about the girl and dad and democrat has one good side to their story... It will effect us too. Money will be taken from US and be given to kids who need money to go to college, and some of them, all the kids who do drugs and smoke, will waste all that money that the democrats are making us give!!!!! They will probably be spending it on illegal drugs. and you know, the money they are making us give up is probably supposed be paying for OUR college!!!! So pick: kids having illegal drugs or siggarettes and ruining there lives thrice over, or you going to college...


JPT said...

i pick us going to colledge:/wierd post but it is informaitve=}

The Coin Collector said...

I found this information in a book about the presidents that I have.

Okay, I will agree with the fact that most presidents in the past have had some government experience, such as Vice President, Senator, etc., even if it is just running for president. However, you must be careful, because anonymous is still wrong about this:

"And I think that the only reason I woulden't vote for Obama is that he really does not have that much experience."

First of all, that isn't a good reason because he was Senator of Illinois. Most people CONSIDER THAT EXPERIENCE!!!!!

And second of all, shouldn't you have more reasons to 'not' vote for him than just that? Just by itself, and especially after I proved it wrong, it is not a good reason.

If you don't believe that he used to be Senator of Illinois, then go to google and type in: 'Senator Barack Obama' You will see that all the hits will explain how he was Senator of that state!!!!!

And SOME ONE, stop interfering with this argument! it is annoying!

Librarians said...

Here is a quote directly from the post about what we are commenting on:
"What do you think about the way we elect our presidents? How they campaign, how they debate, what the issues are, what they promise us.."

Lately we are getting into scolding each other for our views. I'd rather see what you think about the fact that The Obama campaign spends approx. $700,000 per commercial, Clinton $400,000 per commercial. How do you feel about the fact that you need to raise over MILLIONS of dollars to be elected? Do you actually watch debates? What did you think?

Stop arguing with each other over petty things. I will refuse to post any more personal and unsubstantiated comments.
Your ever lovin' librarian.

Anonymous said...

*the following has no opinions meant. If suggested, than please don't pick on me!!! This is just news i am forlaying.*

Obama made a speech (either tuse. or wedn., I forgot) about the Church that he atteneds, and has been attending seince he was young. The church is very anti-america, and he was stating that he did not really agree with some of their statements. However, the church priests and followers are now completely against him, and creating bad publicity for him.

JPT said...

ITS IS TRUE!!i wachted it on the news.obamas pasteur said very bac things about obamas was rude and disrespectful,especially coming from one of his'friends'

JPT said...

regarding every thing that every one has said about me:i have proof bush puts animals in cages and kills them:qoute from new york times 2006:"bush was on a hunting trip with friends in may"thiis is how the article began.through the middle:"bush was looking for animals for his cages that were open"that was a qoute from a friend who was on the hunting trip with bush.end:"bush ended up finding 2 fawns,a feret,6 swallows,and 4 gesse"friend of bushes that was on the trip.

if you find that is not good enoough proof...proove it.

Anonymous said...

don't you think it is unfair that obama friend is saying things against him? i hope that obama wins because he will be able to lead, he can go to the gettos and connect to the people there, while hillary could not.mcain will probably keep us in Irak, we have already lost over 4000 citizens there. i think life is so unfair sometimes.but life is never fair.

Anonymous said...

I think Obama should be president!!

Anonymous said...

If i could vote i would vote for Obama!!!!

Anonymous said...

I want Obama for president and Clinton for VP.

Anonymous said...

The democratic convention takes place durring my birthday. Whoa! Can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would vote for hilary i am also demacratic.

Anonymous said...

I like hilary because she has expieriance

Anonymous said...

We all have our own opinions!!!! just saying. you like mccain i like clintion they like obama we all have the write to like who we like!

Anonymous said...